ehhmm.. I don't know what should I do ?? eotthokhae??
okay, I will tell u about some K-Drama which is must u watch.. if u never watch this.. :p

ehm, the first is
"Dream High"
I think u all already watch this.. because last time, we can see it in indosiar.. but I think it will be nice if u watch by DVD-Player.. ( I say this maybe cause I like hear the actors voice n' the most important .. they talking with KOREAN language.. hohoho

now, I already watch this movie at episode 10.. I hope tomorrow, I will continue this..

this movie also can we see at 0-channel.. I just know this movie start at night, but I don't know the fix time --
ya, I think just that two movie that I propose to u all..
hmm..if u want know about the actor or the summary of that two movies..
click here if u want know about Dream High, and
click here if u want know about Master Of Study
and then, I want update my profile.. :p
