hey there,

my real name is "Suhartini"
u can call me "tini" or "aay" , hmm.. but my friends also call me "iponk"
so, u can choose whatever u want.. hehe
my hobby are Listening the music^^
I was born in Bogor, December 16th 93
my future is to be animator , maybe??
ehm, also programmer.. haha
my favorite movie is Korean movie, I like Korea,,
n' my favorite color is transparent^^, it looks beautiful. .but, for something like shirt n' bag, I don't like that if it's transparent color..--

n' something that I really like is STARs!! it make the dark night look beautiful...
I'm not a perfect girl who can make my blog the best, but I can do my best to do something on my blog and hope it will make everyone enjoy of this..:D
I'm just a simple girl, but I like my simple self ^o^