It's long time for me not update this blog.. yeah, please forgive me.. I have some problem that make me feel errr~~ not fine.. very bad -____- 

Maybe my Life little change~~ cause NOW I'm not a student in some college again,
but I think it's NOT the end of my Life cause I believe Life isn't just rely on the one thing~ :D 

I still have a good parents, family, and my friends who always encourage me when I'm "down"
One day, I'll have a chance to restart go some college and begin a new student again! I'll feel to be a college student and more appreciate what I have, what I get, and try to be better ..
It's not a failure, it's just a different way for me to through this Life !
so, for my friends and people who think your life NOT good, from now you must see it from different way :D
thank you all !